
Victor Bonnin Reynes
Victor Bonnin is a Spanish lawyer specialised in international arbitration. He is also a solicitor admitted in England and Wales. Victor has not only a Spanish law background but also a Swiss law background.
Victor is the Secretary General of the Spanish Club of Arbitration and has an extensive experience in international commercial arbitration, investment arbitration and sports arbitration. He has acted as arbitrator in more than 50 cases. Victor has been listed in the Who's Who 2017 to 2023 and as Who's Who Thought Leader in 2023. Since 2020 he has also been ranked in Chambers: Most in Demand Arbitrators and in the list of Leaders League: Spain's Best Arbitrators. For more information about his experience, please click here.
Professional Career
Senior Associate, Allen & Overy LLP, Madrid and London (2013-2016)
Visiting Attorney, Skadden Arps Sleate Meagher & Flom, New York (2011)
Associate, J&A Garrigues, Madrid (2007-2011 / 2011-2013)
Visiting Professor, ESADE (Ramon Llull) (2006-2012)
Assistant Professor, Private International Law, University of Geneva (2005-2007)
University of Geneva, Bachelor in Law
University of Geneva, Master in Business Law (Lenz & Staehelin Award to the highest mark of the program)
ESADE University (Ramon Llull), Law Degree and Master in International Law
Hochschule Bremen, Certificate on German Legal Terminology
Spanish (fluent)
English (fluent)
French (fluent)
Catalan (fluent)
German (medium-high level)
Portuguese (medium-high level)
Victor has been appointed as arbitrator in ICC cases, and is also listed in the list of arbitrators of the Madrid Court of Arbitration, the Court of Arbitration of the Madrid Bar, AEADE, the Vienna International Arbitration Center, the Caracas Commercial Arbitration Center and is a member of the LCIA User's Council, among others.
From 2014 to 2016 he was a member of the ICDR Y&I Global Advisory Board.
From 2008 to 2011, Victor was a member of the first European Coordinating Committee of the Young Arbitrators Forum of the International Chamber of Commerce.
Victor is also member of many arbitration associations, such as the Spanish Club of Arbitration, the ICC Young Arbitrators Forum, the Swiss Arbitration Association -40, the CEPANI -40, or the Young Arbitrators Practitioners, among others. He is also a member of the ICC Institute of World Businees Law.
Publications and Seminars
- Lima, Peru, April 2023, XVII IPA Congress, speaker, Interim measures
- Lima, Peru, February 2023, speaker, Arbanza Congress, The power of arbitrators to impose sanctions
- San Salvador, El Salvador, June 2022, speaker, The Madrid Example as Seat of Arbitration.
- La Paz, Bolivia, June 2022, speaker, X Jornadas Internacionales de arbitraje, Update on Changes of Institutional Arbitration Rules in the Last Years.
- Webminar on Emergency Arbitrator. Experiences, organised by IPA, II International Meeting of Arbitration Centers and Arbitral Institutions, speaker.
- Brussels, June 2022, -40 Co-chairs meeting, speaker, Legitimacy in Arbitration
- Bilbao, May 2022, UIA International Arbitration, Today's Views, speaker, New Technologies and Arbitration.
- Madrid, May 2022, speaker Arbitration Open, Interim Measures in Arbitration
- Condición de institución arbitral del Comité Jurisdiccional de la Real Federación Española de Fútbol y anulación de un laudo pronunciado por ésta por indefensión (STS Madrid 18 febrero 2020), autor, La LEY mediación y Arbitraje, 2020 n. 3.
- Webminar on the Secretary of the Tribunal and its Value in the Proceedings, speaker, The mith of the Fourth Arbitrator.
- Arbitration Handbook, Lefebvre 2020, autor and coordinator.
- Webminar on the impartiality and Independence of arbitrators organised by IPA Peru, October 2020, speaker.
- Webminar on sports arbitration, arbitrators organised by IPA Peru, October 2020, moderator.
- Lisbon, October de 2019, speaker, II YAR Conference.
- Lisbon, May 2019, speaker, First ICC Iberian Arbitration Day.
- Madrid, July 2019, speaker, SCAI event, Arbitration in Spain and Switzerland under the Swiss Rules.
- Madrid, November 2018, speaker, Joint ICC-CIAMEN event, The view of companies in relation to the last decisions of the TJEU.
- Suprema Corte Espanhola. Responsabilidade dos Árbitros. Negligência na Condução dos Árbitros. Seção Civil. Decisão nº 102/2017. J. 15.02.2017' (2017) 14 Revista Brasileira de Arbitragem, Issue 55, pp. 133-145
- Madrid, November 2017, speaker, Joint CEA-40 and IBA-40 event, Drafting Arbitral Awards.
- Madrid, April 2017, speaker about the importance of language in arbitration in occasion of the Vienna Pre-moot in Madrid.
- San Salvador, 15 January 2015, Congreso Centroamericano de Arbitraje de Inversiones, speaker, The expectations of investors and the rights of states to regulate.
- Lima, 2 October 2014, II Seminario Latinoamericano de arbitraje de inversiones, speaker, Impartiality and Independence of arbitrators.
- Río de Janeiro, 8 May 2013, ICC YAF event, speaker, Conflicts of interests of the secretary of the arbitral tribunal.
- Forum non Conveniens: a hidden ground to refuse enforcement of arbitral awards in the US, in (2013) J. Int'l Arb. 165.
- Coimbra, 18 October 2012, speaker, Evidence in arbitration.
- Emergency proceedings under the new ICC Rules, co-author Carlos de los Santos, in (2012) 13 Spain Arb. Rev. 5.
- Spain: a Fertile Breeding Ground for Third-Party Funding, (2012) Financier Worldwide Mag. September issue.
- New York, 11 May 2011, moderator, American and European Perspectives on International Arbitration: Independence and Impartiality.
- Spanish Annulment of an Award Based on a Clause Referring to Both Arbitral and Court Jurisdiction, co-author Carlos de los Santos, in (2010) 15 GAR. 47.
- Arbitraje y Concurso, co-author José Maria Alonso, in A. Fernández / Manuel Sánchez (Coords.), Crisis empresarial y concurso: comentarios legales, Thomson Aranzadi, 2010.
- Río de Janeiro, 12 December 2009, moderator, How to get the best from the Secretariat of the ICC Court?
- Spain: CEA International Annual Congress: "Arbitration in the Economic Crisis", co-author Margarita Soto, in (2009) 4 GAR.
- Madrid, 3 October 2009, IBA 2009 Annual Conference, Training Course for Young Practitioners, speaker, Commercial Arbitration.
- Vienna, 3 April 2009, moderator, Human Rights and Arbitration.
- The New Rules of Arbitration of the Court of Arbitration of the Official Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Madrid: An Overview, (2009) J. Int'l Arb 26, 479.
- Arbitrators as Conciliators: A Statistical Study of the Relation between an Arbitrator's Role and Legal Background, co-author Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler, ICC Bull. Vol. 18 No. 2 (2007).
- Organiser and contributor. Colloquium: Consolidation of proceedings in investment arbitration, Geneva, April 2006.
- Final Report: Consolidation of proceedings in investment arbitration: how can multiple proceedings arising from the same or related situations be handled efficiently?, co-authors, G. Kaufmann-Kohler, L. Boisson de Chazournes y Makane Mbengue, ICSID Review: Foreign Investment Law Journal, Vol. 21 No. 1 (2006).